Collective Agreement & Bylaws
Collective Agreement
Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Benefits & Pensions
As of March 2015, Manulife is our new benefits provider. Please login and register with Manulife at: You will need information from your Manulife Card as well as your Activation Key. If you have not received your Activation Key, please call 1-800-268-6195
On this website, you can track claims, review your plan as well as check out the many resources available to you through Manulife.
OMERS is our pension provider. Check their website out or login to myOMERS where you can access the pension calculator, and even enter previous work experience. If you were previously employed by an OMERS employer, your time there can count towards your pension!