Contact Us

We are placing a lot of emphasis on making sure that everyone feels heard and represented in our local. That’s why we are giving you a lot of different options to contact us! Whether you would like to contact someone individually or recommend a topic of discussion for our next meeting, you can find it all right here.

Executive Contacts:
Mike Green – President
Mike’s union hours are on Wednesdays from 1-4pm in the Multi-purpose room at City Hall.
Phone: 613-848-9654

Scott Reid – Vice President
Phone: 613-922-0644

Juanita Evans – Treasurer
Phone: 613-392-2841 x. 4410

Sara Materman – Recording Secretary
Phone: 613-392-2841 x. 4451

Suggestion Box

If you would like to voice an issue but would prefer to remain anonymous, please use the form below. If you would like to be contacted, then please fill in your name and email. Each message received will be addressed by the executive team and/or discussed at the following general meeting.