Workshop: Eastern Great Lakes District CUPE Council School

Introduction to Stewarding
What does a CUPE steward do?  If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!  In this workshop you will learn the role of the steward, investigating workplace problems, CUPE’s structure, filing a grievance, meeting with management, and dealing with workplace complaints.

Steward Learning Series

Calling all stewards!  CUPE has an exciting new education program just for you!  The new series recognizes that the steward has an important role to play in a number of areas in the workplace and the union.  It provides an opportunity for stewards to explore a number of topics – all from a steward’s point of view.

  • Privatization
  • Disability Issues for Stewards
  • Handling Grievances

Prerequisite:  Introduction to Stewarding.  Please remember to bring your Steward’s Handbook and SLS Passport to the workshop.

Combating Workplace Bullying

Bullying hurts everyone.  As union members, we have a role to play in combating workplace bullying.  Come and talk about:  what bullying is and isn’t, how bullying hurts the target, the witness, the employer, the union and even the bully, how not to be a bystander and how the union can make a difference.

CLICK HERE to register.

Course Details:
Date – November 21 & 22, 2015
Location – MacIntosh-Corry Hall, Queens Campus, Kingston